
Goldenstar's Choice: Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


A painful cry erupted from the nursery and any warrior in the vicinity slammed their paws over their ears.

It was leaffall, at least the very start of it. The weather during the day was hot and sticky but the nights were chilling cold. A few trees even had a head start in the changing of their leaves. The few ruby and rust-colored leaves hid themselves among the bright emeralds.

It was after sunhigh, and the sky was a dull blue. During this time of day, the cats relaxed and enjoyed their catch from that morning, and many even decided to go swimming.

In the RiverClan nursery, a gold and white queen laid on her side, her chest rising and falling rapidly. Her claws sunk into the earth, and her eyes were shut tight in pain.
"Are they dead? Please don't tell me if they're dead, I don't want to know." The queen shook her head and buried it in her paws, wailing with fear and grief.

"You only have one kit this time, Dewflower, and he's just fine. Quite a large kit, actually." A fluffy, old gray and white tom held the mewling newborn gingerly in his mouth.

Dewflower sat up so fast the blood rushed down to her paws, making her dizzy. "He's alive?"

"Of course, he's quite loud, those are some strong mewls."

"Thank you, Grassfur!" Dewflower took the baby from him and placed him next to her belly. As if on cue, the kit began to nurse immediately, kneading his mother's belly with his small, white paws.

"It's my job." Grassfur wrapped his fluffy tail around himself. "I've been a medicine cat for countless moons and I have delivered hundreds of kits." He gazed over at the tiny tom, who quickly had his fill and now was curled up in a tight ball. "His pelt is vastly different from either you or his father." Grassfur gave a chuckle.

Dewflower lowered her ears and narrowed her eyes. "Are you questioning my fidelity?"

"No, absolutely not!" The old cat stuttered. "I'm just laughing at how his black and white pelt does not even look remotely similar to either your golden one or Dusktail's brown tabby."

"Well, if you remember correctly, my father had a black and white pelt." Dewflower said tartly.

Grassfur snorted. "Honey, if I could remember what I had for breakfast it's an accomplishment. Wait until you're old and decrepit like me." Looking at the kit again, who was now lying stretched out on his tummy, Grassfur asked: "What are you going to name him?"

"I'm not sure..." Dewflower's mew trailed off.

"Name him quick, or at his apprentice ceremony he'll be 'No-Namepaw'."

Just then, a smaller-sized brown tabby with curled ears strolled into the nursery. Even though he walked with poise, there was a tired look in his eyes that gave away his fear. "How are the kits?" He asked.

"Kit." Grassfur corrected. "Your new son is doing fine, Dusktail. He just had his first meal and now is taking a nap." The tom shouldered past him, knocking the medicine cat off his paws.

"Hey, he looks like your father!" Dusktail purred with delight.

Dewflower flashed Grassfur a 'I told you so' look. With that, Grassfur stalked out of the nursery, rambling underneath his breath.

"What should we name him?" Dewflower gazed up at her mate. "I like Blackkit."

"But he's white too, it wouldn't make sense." Dusktail grumbled. "How about we name him something that is a classic RiverClan name, like Reedkit or Splashkit."
Dewflower turned her nose up at both of the suggestions. "Lets just wait. Something will come to me."

"If you wish." Dusktail blinked.

After a seemingly endless moment of silence, Dewflower spoke up. "If he was a girl I would have named him after one of his lost sisters." She turned her head away and faced the back of the nursery wall. Previous to the kit's birth, Dewflower and Dusktail had lost their previous litter, two she-cats named Blossomkit and Leafkit.

"At least we have this one," Dusktail tried to stay positive. "And Grassfur said that he's healthy. What more can we ask for?"

"I know." Dewflower could feel tears at the edge of her eyes. "But I'd do anything to have them back."

Just then the new little kit gave a mighty sneeze that sent him rolling over.

"Is he okay? Send Grassfur in, he might be sick! I don't want to lose him too!" The queen immediately began to lick her kit in gentle strokes, hoping to StarClan her baby didn't already catch something.

"Dewflower, he's fine!" Dusktail batted her ear playfully with a paw. "He probably breathed in some dust. It's okay."

The two cats jumped when they heard a crashing noise outside the den. Just then, two little kits with fluffed out pelts and sparkling eyes bolted inside.

"Harekit pushed me into a thorn patch!"  

"Did not!"

"Did to! How do you explain these thorns in my fur!" His pelt fluffed out even further, making him resemble a storm cloud with his gray and white fur.

Dewflower growled sharply, "I have a sleeping newborn kit here, could you please be respectful and leave?"

The two kits looked at each other and then turned tail and ran screaming for Grassfur.


Grassfur padded into the nursery holding some borage leaves in his jaws. He had noticed earlier that Dewflower's milk wasn't coming as strong as it should so he thought the herb would give it a boost.

He felt something furry and slender beneath his paw, and before he could figure out what it was, a howl of pain told him exactly what he stepped on.

"Can you watch your clumsy paws? You just about snapped my tail in two." Harekit's mom, Foxfur, hissed.

"Queens..." Grassfur rolled his eyes. "Dewflower, I have the borage leaves I mentioned. This should help with your milk problem-"

"Grassfur, look, quick! He's opened his eyes!" Dewflower happily nuzzled her son, who's eyes were already halfway open. Grassfur watched happily, witnessing kits gaze at the world around them for the first time was always a treat.

When the kit opened his eyes fully, they were revealed to be a beautiful shade of gold, and they sparkled like the summer sun.

Grassfur felt an icy grip on his spine as his surroundings began to spin. The small kit grew into a silhouette of a grown cat. Behind him images of strange places streaked by. There were monsters, Twolegs, thunderpaths, and Twoleg dens that stretched to the sky. A voice whispered into Grassfur's ear: "He will rise with the sun at his dawn, and set with the sun at his dusk. RiverClan will drown by blood, but a golden future awaits them."
It ended as quickly as it began.

"I know what I'm going to name him!" Dewflower squeaked with happiness, interrupting his thoughts.

"W-what's that?" Grassfur tried to shake the nauseas feeling that had overcome him.

"I'm going to name him, Goldenkit!" Dewflower gave her son a lick, and a patch of fur stuck up awkwardly on his head and he squeaked in surprise. "Those beautiful, golden eyes are the first thing you notice about him, don't you think, Grassfur? And he is related to Goldensong, you know, on his father's side. I would like to name my son after him." Goldensong was a warrior way back when RiverClan was in its early days. He fought and witnessed one of the bloodiest battles between WindClan and RiverClan, and was famous in RiverClan history for his efforts in the war.

"We all know about Goldensong, Dewflower." Grassfur was still having troubles trying to push away the odd prophecy. What was StarClan trying to tell him? That this kit was special, somehow? What kind of future did he have ahead of him? What kind of future did RiverClan have ahead of them? He was so lost.


"Up." Goldenkit squeaked. "Up up up." He rolled around the nursery, getting his pelt dusty and dirty.

"Goldenkit, sit still! Your pelt is going to be messy." Dewflower looked at her son again. "I suppose it already is," she sighed.

Goldenkit batted at a pebble with his paw, and jumped off the ground in surprise when it moved. His fur puffed out, and he stood on his toes in shock.

"It's just a little pebble, dear, it won't hurt you." To prove this fact, Dewflower batted at the pebble herself. "See?"

"Up." Goldenkit mewed and pounced on the small stone.

Just then, Dusktail squeezed his way into the nursery, holding a slippery, silver fish. "I brought dinner!" He announced. At the sound of his father's voice, Goldenkit made a beeline straight to the source.

"Up!" He fell over, and soon regained his balance.

"He's learning to walk and talk," Dewflower explained. "He can't sit still and be quiet!"

"Up!" Goldenkit completed a somersault and wound up crashing into his father's leg.

"Whoa there, tiger." Dusktail grabbed Goldenkit by the scruff and placed him back on his paws. He nudged the fish over to his son and said, "You ready for an upgrade?"

Dewflower scooped up Goldenkit with a paw and brought him over to her belly. "Oh, I don't think so. He's not weaned yet."

"Yeah right. You just want the fish all to yourself." Dusktail teased his mate with a laugh. "Eat up, you need your strength."

A loud meow sounded from the center of the camp. "All cats old enough to fish and swim gather beneath the highrock for a clan meeting."

"I guess Lonestar needs to address the clan." Dusktail peered outside and noticed the slowly growing mob of cats. "C'mon, we should go."

"But what about Goldenkit, I can't leave him behind." The queen held her kit close.

"I'm sure he can sit still for a few moments. Besides, he can barely walk, how far do you think he'll get?" Goldenkit proved his father's words by waddling straight into the nursery wall and then subsequently falling over. "See?"

"I suppose you're right." Dewflower sighed. "Bye bye, sweetie, mumma will be back." She gave him a quick lick on the forehead and he toppled over from the force.

While his parents were away, Goldenkit wandered around the den, sniffing in every  nook and cranny, seeing what things where were to discover. After a while of his expedition, he noticed one little cranny that was bigger than the rest.

A kit-sized hole was ripped into the nursery. Goldenkit could smell strange things on the other side. His curiosity was tickled and he just had to explore.

Pushing himself through by using his stronger hind legs, Goldenkit managed to wiggle his way through and pop out on the other side. He tumbled down a slight hill for a bit, but he soon got to his paws.

"Ow!" He growled.

Goldenkit forgot about his pain as soon as he saw what surrounded him. RiverClan's territory was open and his to explore! The cattails and reeds towered over him, and even the blades of grass seemed to touch the sky. The sandy soil squished beneath his paws, and the grains became stuck in his fur.

"Ew!" He hissed and gave his pelt a good shake.

Then he heard it. This odd sound, one that he's heard before, as white noise in the nursery, but this time it was louder. Curious as ever, he cautiously pressed forward, wondering what that noise could possibly be. He was eager to put an end to this mystery.
Goldenkit arrived at a thick wall of cat tails and grass. The noise was just around the other side. Pushing aside the tall strands, he leaped out into the unknown.

What greeted him was a swirling torrent of jade-colored water. The roar was from the current as it splashed against rocks and tumbled down the stream. Muddy banks along the sides sloped down into shallow water, with rocks lining the edge of the water.

"Up!" Goldenkit attempted to hop up into a rock for a better view, but was unsuccessful due to the rock's size in comparison to his own. Goldenkit slid off the rock and rolled over backwards, landing in a patch of grass.

His small, kitten attention span gave up on the rock and he decided to go explore the noise some more. The swirls of the water were mesmerizing and Goldenkit leaned over the edge to look closer.

As he looked into the depths, he noticed himself in the water! His reflection mimicked his every move, which was quite amusing for the little kit.

Concentrating hard on himself, Goldenkit didn't see the large crow land on the rock behind him. With a loud caw, the crow flew off into the woods.

The caw spooked Goldenkit, and with a squeal, he plopped into the tumbling stream.
Water splashed him on all sides and Goldenkit couldn't find a foothold. He was tossed and batted around like a ball of moss, and some water even worked his way up into his nose and mouth.

"Mommy!" He screamed. Goldenkit crashed into a rock, and he held on to it for dear life. "Mommy!" His lungs hurt. The water stung his eyes and nostrils and gave him a stomachache. Goldenkit's pelt was plastered to his body, and he resembled a tiny, drowned mouse.

It felt like forever had passed before Goldenkit could hear cats racing along the bank towards him.

"I found the source of the screaming!" One dark tabby meowed. "It's a kit!"

"It's Goldenkit!" Another yowled.

Goldenkit unsheathed his teeny claws in order to keep his grip on the slippery rock. "Mommy!" He screamed again.

"Don't worry, Goldenkit, we got you." The dark tabby dove into the cold water without hesitation. He maneuvered himself so he headed straight for the rock island Goldenkit stranded himself on. "Hop on to my back," he ordered. "You'll stay above the water that way."

Goldenkit trembled with fright (and because of the chill) as he stumbled forward towards the tom.

"Gotcha." The warrior purred and swam towards the bank, where he dropped off the shivering, damp bundle of kit.

Dewflower sprinted up to them, shoving other cats out of the way. "Goldenkit! Goldenkit!"
"Mommy!" He mewed.

"You are never leaving the nursery without my supervision ever again!" She began to groom him, tears flowing down her cheeks and drenching her fur. The thought of losing her only surviving kit terrified her. "You understand? I'm not going to let StarClan take you."

Grassfur walked up to the fretting queen. "I can check him over. But I'm sure he'll be fine enough to sleep with you tonight, and not in my den."

"Thank you, Grassfur." Dewflower choked. "I'm so worried. Will he catch a sickness? Did he swallow too much water?"

"I'm sure he'll be just fine." The medicine cat soothed. "Now lets get him back the warm camp."

The other warriors followed behind, curious as to what exactly happened.

"Is the kit all right?" A slender, dark tom approached Grassfur as the warriors arrived back in the camp. Other curious eyes greeted them with stares.

"It's just another curious kit in the river, Lonestar." Grassfur padded over to his den where he dropped Goldenkit into a pile of feathers and soft grass. Lonestar followed Grassfur and entered the den.

Goldenkit blinked and looked up at the two cats. "Up."

"You mentioned a prophecy, Grassfur." Lonestar growled, his eyes becoming slits. "Is it about the kit?"


Goldenkit knew they were talking about him. The way they looked at him... it was uncomfortable.

"Well...?" Lonestar leaned forward.

"Well what?" The elderly tom began to dry off Goldenkit.

"Well, what did StarClan tell you? I'm your leader, I should be informed of these things." The RiverClan leader lashed his tail back and forth. "You of all cats should know that, you've been around the block for moons."

Grassfur stopped grooming a now sleepy Goldenkit in order to recite the message he was given. "He will rise with the sun at his dawn, and set with the sun at his dusk. RiverClan will drown by blood, but a golden future awaits them. That's all they told me."

"Did you get any... I don't know... visuals?"

"It was so disorienting. I saw a shadow of a cat, among the noises and colors of the twolegplace." Grassfur resumed the rhythmic licks, which put Goldenkit to sleep.

Lonestar began to pace the den. "It sounds to me like it will get worse before it gets better." He paused. "What does Goldenkit have to do with all this?"

Grassfur shrugged. "I'm only the messenger. I'll do my best to interpret, but only StarClan knows."

They both gazed down at the tiny kit, wondering how RiverClan's future could rest in such little paws.
Paw by Kawiku

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Paw by Kawiku


He will rise with the sun at his dawn, and set with the sun at his dusk. RiverClan will drown by blood, but a golden future awaits them

How can one choice affect a whole Clan?

Goldenkit has always dreamed of becoming a great RiverClan warrior- possibly even leader. Since leaving the nursery, he has always tried the hardest to succeed. His life is riddled with hardships, but he leaps over every hurdle life gives him. After moons of work, he finally receives his warrior name: Goldeneyes. His skills continue to sharpen as his ego continues to grow. Everything has turned out the way he had planned.

But then, it all came crashing down. Goldeneyes meets a pretty, young kittypet in the Twolegplace. Falling madly in love with her, he continues to meet her in secret, despite the fact he is shattering the warrior code. When his secret is finally discovered, he has to make a choice... should he stay in the Clans, or leave forever?

A tale of forbidden romance, loyalty, and overcoming challenges, Goldenstar's Choice is a story you don't want to miss!

Warning: Contains cute kitten scenes.

Here's chapter 1 of my novel/fan fic, Goldenstar's Choice! The story starts at the very beginning, with little Goldenkit's birth. Grassfur, the RiverClan's medicine cat, is sent a prophecy that he cannot decipher. 

I'll update the chapter when/if I fix anything. :)

Feel free to leave a critique, they're always appreciated! Thank you!

Art, characters, and story (C) :iconrussianblues:
Stock in the picture (C) :iconsirius-sdz: and :icondivsm-stock:
© 2014 - 2024 RussianBlues
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spaacepugs's avatar
:star::star::star::star: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star-empty: Originality
:star::star::star::star-half::star-empty: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Impact

I think overall this was a great fic, however like every story there were some errors such as the fact that when every kitten is born they have blue eyes (Genetic Thing, cats don't start to develop eye color until about two weeks after they first opened their eyes) also warrior cats don't call their parents Mom or Dad, they just call them by their warrior name. Like I said I think it's a great fic overall and am generally impressed with the first chapter, of course no fanfic is perfect but I like this one, especially the prophecy. Prophecies can be so hard to word sometimes but I think yours is mysterious yet not too well kittypet-ish XD